Written by well-known literacy advocate and expert Ruth Colvin, this is an essential resource for new tutors who want to be successful and effective teachers to adult learners. Based on a collaborative, learner-centered approach,
Tutor 8 offers step-by-step instructions for working with basic literacy students in one-to-one, small group, or classroom settings, and focuses on five key areas:
- language experience
- sight words
- phonics
- patterned words
- comprehension
Tutors will be guided through the methods for using the Language Experience Approach (LEA), integrating writing and reading processes, direct instruction, goal setting, developing comprehension and critical thinking, and using assisted reading. In addition, Colvin gives emphasis to how adults learn, including adults with learning disabilities. Assessment is an ongoing process, and a learner profile sheet allows tutors to identify the strengths and weaknesses of individual students.
Find the Learner Profile and Lesson Plans by scrolling down and clicking on Free Resources on the left.
© 2009